can add 4 colors on a date and can manage your shifts!
ColorCalendar is a very simple app that you can add 4 colors on a date and can manage your shifts!You can save notes as well!Tap the screen under the selected date, then a keyboard will be displayed. You can save notes and memos to manage your plans of the day!Just press Add button ( Plus Button ) and select a color and where you wantto display it on a date. *☓ button is 「Close」button.*How to delete colors*1 .Select the same displayed color from the list.2. Tap the color on the date.*Menu Buttons*1.Email:Send the calendar by email.2. Setting: You can customize the calendar.3. Password: Set the password.4. Backup: You can save data to SD card.*Calendars Buttons (from the left)*1. 「Color Add」button: Tap this button to add colors.2. 「Today」button: Go back to the todays date.3. 「Left」&「Right」button: Move the date right and left.*Text Entering Windows buttons(from the left) *1. 「Move the data to the previous day」button2. 「Move the data to the next day」button3. 「Delete」buttonUnnecessary library was deleted.